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Carli Marsico
Mar 16, 20245 min read
Quilt coat design inspiration
Discover the perfect quilt coat design for you! From all-over to embellished styles, find inspiration and tips to narrow down your choices.

Carli Marsico
Feb 15, 20233 min read
Quilting inspiration for Wonky Woven
"Quilt as desired" isn't helpful or inspiring. Sometimes you just need a little jumpstart to your creativity to get the process flowing.

Carli Marsico
Sep 16, 20224 min read
Projects for leftover half square triangles (HSTs)
We all have them. You're not a quilter if you don't hold onto every morsel of fabric that could be useful in the future and leftover...

Carli Marsico
May 29, 20225 min read
Quilting Inspiration for Romeo Twins
I'm a custom quilting fanatic so I had a lot of fun planning out how to quilt the quilts in my Romeo Twins pattern. Both of these quits...

Carli Marsico
Jan 21, 20223 min read
Quilting Inspiration for Seud Medallion
"Quilt as desired" - has there ever been a more useless pattern instruction? I understand why; there are so many different quilting...
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